Meet Maps

Since 2021 we started to collect routes of walks that we completed on Meets. If you visit an area you may want to check out one of the routes.

Below are links to the routes from 2021, 2022' 2023 and 2024.

Once you have clicked on your chosen walk download it in .gpx file format. This file can then be uploaded to your GPS, mobile or mapping software.

2024 Walks
Date of walk
Walk Venue
February, Annual Dinner

January, Southern Day Walk

Date of walk
Walk Venue
December 23

Southern Day Walk


October 23

Southern Day Walk

Cold Kitchen Hill

August 23

Rhinogs Round Walk

Rhinogs Round

March 23

Southern Day Walk

Test Valley

February 23

Northern Day Walk

Lathkill Dale

January 23

Southern Day Walk in January

Hambleden round

Date of walk
Walk Venue
November 22

Southern day walk in November

Great Bedwyn

Meet report and photos
September 22

Brecons Meet in September

Friday: Llangors Lake
Saturday: Fan Brycheiniog
Sunday: Hay Bluff

Meet report and photos
September 22

Grinton Meet in September

Saturday: Old Gang Mines, Tan Hill bike ride
Sunday: Langthwaite walk, Boston Castle bike ride

Meet report and photos
May 22

Edale Meet in May

Saturday: Kinder Downfall round
Sunday: Lose Hill from Edale

Meet report and photos
April 22
North:Walking around Ravensdale, Peak District
South: Combe Round

North report and photos
South report and photos
March 22
North: Castles and Caverns
South: Return to the Chilterns

Reports and photos
January 22
North report and photos
South report and photos

Date of walk
Walk Venue
December 21
North report and photos
South report and photos
November 21
North walk report and photos
South walk report and photos
October 21Meet report and photos
October 21
Brecon report and photos
October 21
Swanage report and photos
September 21
Lakes report and photos
August 21 Report and photos
Report and photos
July 21 Report and photos
June 21 Cotswold Meet
June 21 Peak District Meet
May 21North/South Day Walks
April 21 North/South Day Walks